Many aspiring actors do not understand the benefits of being
typecast. They feel if they get typecast, they will never get roles. However,
it is actually quite the contrary. This inaccurate thought started in the minds
of young actors who believed in order to
the best, you had to be able to
every role in the world. They felt that extreme versatility guaranteed
“cast-ability.” However, this way of thinking was both absurd and discouraging
since very few actors are showcased, let alone, given the opportunity to show
huge versatility within their acting span. Some of the most successful actors
are the ones who realize their strengths and feature them in order to present
themselves in the most commercial way possible. Now, for those actors who have
played incredibly different roles and never stay in a hole, they are still to
be respected and “Wow’d” at, but if you study there characters they’ve played,
you will find there are similarities in all of them. For a young actor to try
and tackle various roles, that clearly do not define them, is a big risk that does
not exactly help their image. Your type can be determined first off from your
physical appearance, which is in most cases difficult to change. It is good to
know what “look” you portray in order to figure out how you are seen by people.
Start by asking friends or even people you do not know what type of character
they see you as in a movie. If you are drop dead gorgeous or short and fat, the
answer may be a little more obvious just by looking in the mirror. If you feel
your face is average and not distinguishable, do not be discouraged; just find
a way to stand out. I am not suggesting getting a tattoo like Mike Tysons’ on
your face. I’m suggesting, dying or cutting your hair, shedding a few pounds,
waxing your eyebrows. Find a way to distinguish yourself or create your
character type. Don’t try to look like anyone other then your type, and your
unique look will still translate within it. Having a type does not limit you
because there are still so many areas to explore within the many characters
your type can be. People who are type cast will
always have a job. The only way they won’t is if they are bad
actors. Find your niche and represent!
-Actors Nook Team
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