Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Callback

It is every aspiring actor’s dream to get the callback. If it were up to them, they wouldn’t even have to audition to get the part! However, for that to be realistic, they would need to already be famous. The callback is the next step towards the casting process and a great sign that the casting directors like what they see! Before your head gets big, remember you are not the only one. When called back for an audition, you are still up against contenders and are not yet guaranteed the part. Yet, you still deserve and should feel a sense of accomplishment! Staying humble in every callback, with just the right amount of confidence, makes you likeable and powerful all at the same time. That kind of attitude also opens doors for growth, while showing off what you already know. In a callback you are going up against fewer and tougher competition for the particular role so remember these tips!
It is more crucial on the day of the callback to show up earlier then call time and feel prepared with any additional sides they may hand you in relation to the role you may be auditioning for. If you were given the script in advance to your callback, make sure to read the entire script so that whichever character you read from, you have a clear understanding of their perspective in order to and able to deliver accurately. It is also a smart idea to go to the callback looking similar to when you auditioned. This doesn’t mean you have to wear the same exact unwashed clothes, but you may want to wear the same shirt in a different color and you’re your hair and makeup the same way. By looking similar to your first appearance, your chances of being remembered are much greater then your opponents. If you were called back to audition for a different role, you may want to dress more like the new character you are reading for. However, remember it is not necessary to dress like a police officer if you are auditioning for one, but instead wear a black tie or other article of clothing that may make you feel closely resembled to one. Not only should your acting skills be as close to possible perfection, but your appearance and overall attitude should as well. During the audition it is good to be well trained in improvisation since you never know what the casting director has in mind. You may be asked to sing, dance, and perform your monologues, songs or sides, or a cold reading with other actors that got callbacks. Usually the casting director will mix the future prospects around during the reading to see the type of chemistry that works best. Remember, you are not trying to outshine your partner, but work best with them. Once you have finished your callback, make sure to extend your gratitude to everyone involved and leave with a smile on your face. Now, you wait to hear back. A great idea in order to stay organized when auditioning and going to various callbacks is to log your auditions in order to keep track. This included recording the day, place, time of audition, who sent you, the names of the auditors, the sides that you were given at the audition, a description of what they said to you, any direction you were given, a detailed account of exactly what you wore to the audition and any material you performed e.g. monologue(s) or song(s). You never know how many callbacks you’ll be lucky enough to attend, so treat each as if they were your last! Stay organized, confident, persistent humble and GO GET YOUR CALLBACK!
-Actors Nook Team

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